Why I Give - Coat Pockets...

This is the first in a series of Why I Give. Originally published as a call to offering. Some of these posts date back as far as 2004, but I thought they would be interesting to revisit. This is from October 2009.

There are so many reasons to love the fall. The changing colors, autumn harvest, fresh baked apple pie, and, of course, breaking out the winter coats.

What? You ask. Why would anyone love to get their winter coat out?

Well, it’s not the coat exactly. It’s the surprises.

Let me show you. This week in my coat pockets I found:
  • some Hot chocolate flavored chap stick,
  • an old grocery list,
  • a baby pacifier,
  • a coupon,
  • a book of matches,
  • a pair of gloves,
  • my library card,
  • a plastic spoon,
  • a pen, and
  • $5.

    What’s even more amazing, is that I didn’t even pray to find any of this. It was just there. Before I even asked.

    I know that God blesses us in so many ways that I don’t even notice. I don’t want to wait all year wondering if I am receiving blessings. I want every day to feel like that first cool day of fall. When I reach into my pocket and find something special. I want to notice all the ways that I am blessed every single day.

    And I want to be able to share those blessings.

    Please think of all the little or big ways that you have been blessed, just this week.

    This has also been linked up to Things I Love Thursdays at the Diaper Diaries, and Tune- up Tuesdays @ Beautiful Calling.


  1. I do love fall as well. God constantly amazes me in all the amazing and unique ways He can bless us!

    Happy Fall

  2. Great post! It's so easy to overlook the little blessings that God brings into our lives.

  3. What a great outlook on coats. I will never look at those little "treasures" I find the same way again :)
