Book of the Week - Corduroy


by Don Freeman

Quick Synopsis
Corduroy is a bear for sale at a department store. He has lost a button, so he goes on an adventure to find his lost button after the store has closed. The night watchman returns Corduroy to the toy department in time for him to be bought by Lisa. This classic book can still be found at most major book stores and libraries.

Using this book to teach kids about money
  • First, I like to imagine that Lisa got a discount on Corduroy, since he was missing a button. The book doesn't actually say so, but this would be a great time to teach that little lesson.
  • I like what Lisa's mom teaches about delayed gratification. She wanted Lisa to wait until they got home to see if she had enough money.
  • What a great example to show how Lisa was willing to wait before she bought Corduroy. There are no tantrums or whining.
  • I also like to emphasize how Lisa had to go home and count her money to see if she had enough of her own to buy Corduroy.
  • Lisa paid cash for Corduroy. I know this book was written before credit cards were so prevalent, but that doesn't mean that you can't teach the lesson that it is always better to buy something with money that you actually have, rather than buying it on credit.

Isn't it great that such a classic book can still have lessons to teach to the next generation?

This post has been linked up with http://www.wearethatfamily.com/


  1. my kids love the story of courduroy!!

    i love the perspective you've shared on it!!

  2. I never thought of the book from that perspective, but so true! I use this book for the first week of school in my classroom.


    Come by and visit me over at Free 2 Be Frugal!

  3. I like the way Corduroy reacts to the furniture department by saying, "I think I've always wanted to live in a mansion," but then reacts to Lisa's humble home by saying, "I know I've always wanted a home! I know I've always wanted a friend!" He knows what's really important. :-)

  4. What a great idea, about the change of perspective with the different homes.
    Thanks for getting me thinking
