Hide This Verse in Your Heart - Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to hurt you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Okay I admit it. This is my favorite verse in the Bible. The promise mentioned hear just speak to me in so many ways. I would like to share how I have been blessed by this verse, especially with money, and teaching that to my kids.

For I know...says the Lord. Isn't it great that we get this promise from an all powerful God?
For I know - He doesn't just think it, or guess it, He KNOWS it!
For I know the plans - I am so glad that our God has my crazy life figured out, because I know I sure don't.
the plans I have for you - what amazes me, is that he has a different plan for each of us.
Plans to prosper you - what? God wants me to prosper? I could live with that.
and not hurt you - So I should stop blaming him when things don't go the way I want?
plans to give you hope - But if God has plans to give me hope, what possibly could I worry about? What would I do with all that extra time, if it is not spent worrying?
and a future - If God has plans for my future, then why am I spending so much time trying follow my own plans for the future.
give you hope and a future - He's going to just give it to me? I don't have to be extra good and earn it?

That last point is what I want to focus on for teaching money to our kids. NO matter how much we save (or don't save), whether it be money, energy, time, or the environment, God still has plans for us, to give us hope and a future.
It gives me peace to know that God has a plan, but it also is relieving to know that there is not enough money in the world to earn His love. It is a free gift.
So when my kids watch their Daddy going to work, and their Mommy looking for coupons, I want to teach them that God has a plan. And that's what we do here.

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