28 Days of GiveAways!

Sorry for not posting about this sooner. Especially since it is Day 2 of the great Give Away.
Every day this month I will post about a new give away. Some give aways will be for followers only. Other give aways will be for new followers, most frequent commenters, and I have one or two things set aside for local charities. (Sorry guys, you don't get to win everything.)
Giving things away makes me feel rich.
And I want you to have that same feeling. So I am asking you to join me this week in the Great Give Away. You may not have prizes, but I am sure you have things that can go to Goodwill, or other charities. Look around and I am sure you will find some things that you, too, can give away.
Leave a comment each time you give something away, and maybe we can have a prize for that,too.
The give away today is actually for a local school looking for donations for a Silent Auction. Even though my kids are not yet in school, I like to support the schools. Volunteering, or donating to local schools is a great way to show your school and your kids that you value education. Even if you are planning on Home Schooling, your presence in a school will still have a positive impact. Schools need you.
And to announce the winner of yesterdays Great Give Away:
Katie at Kitchen Stewardship has one a $25 Portrait Certificate for Picture Me Portrait Studios (usually found in Walmart Stores)! Thank you Katie for participating in the Meatless Monday Carnival yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. I *love* this theme! Giving things away makes me feel rich too, in a way that actual money never could.
